Audio Loops & Samples Soul / R&B
80's Baby RnB Returns 5
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  • WAV

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'80's Baby RnB Returns 5'

is a return series of four construction kits that is finally here from Big Citi Loops, bringing back that classic RnB sound that holds the real sound of RnB music.

Influences include, Michael Jackson , Tony Hadley, Freddie Mercury, Prince, George Michael, Bobby Brown, Whitney Houston, and much more.

All files are supplied in 24 Bit WAV formats. If you're looking for that creative 80's and 90's RnB sound that is exclusive, you have come to the right place. All four Kits are Royalty-Free to use for your own productions.

This collection is a 80's RnB version of the appreciated sound of RnB Music.

Product Details:

  • 24-Bit WAV
  • Tempo Labelled
  • 100% Royalty-Free
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