Audio Loops & Samples Electronic Ambient
Ambient Rewind Vol 1
Lizenz: Kommerziell (Unbegrenzt)

In Ihrer Auswahl sind folgende Dateien enthalten:

  • WAV

Take a trip into the not-so-distant past.

Out of this world pads and slow grooves just begging for an analogue melody.

From expansive and world forming, to dark and hope crushing.

A taste of post-modern Synthwave, with a healthy dose of Ambient, this series has an almost endless sound. You're in the driver's seat, choose your own adventure and decide how the story ends.

Buzzy pads, deep sparse basses, clicky little beats, it's all here and then some. Mix & match between them for the ultimate in vaguely retro sci-fi mystery backscapes.
'Ambient Rewind Vol 1' 135 Loops of 130BPM 24-Bit ACIDized.WAV files, with the key & tempo information in the filename.

Product Details:

  • 16 Basses
  • 48 Beats
  • 15 Pads
  • 20 Percussion
  • 10 Sweeps
  • 26 Synths
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