Audio Loops & Samples Country
Americana Guitars
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  • WAV 24/44

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Introducing Americana Guitars

a collection of samples designed to bring the authentic sound of Americana and Country music right into your music.

You'll find warm acoustic guitar, twangy banjo, dobro, dulcimer, electric guitar, mandolin and pedal steel guitar loops. Whether you're creating slow ballads or up-tempo, foot-tapping tracks, our samples have you covered. With tempos ranging from 70 BPM to 230 BPM, these samples offer plenty of flexibility and adaptability for your projects. From twangy guitar riffs to mellow acoustic strumming, the Americana Guitars sample content has everything you need to create authentic Americana & Country music.

Instrument Lineup:

  • Acoustic Guitar 177 Loops
  • Banjo 79 Loops
  • Dobro Guitar 27 Loops
  • Dulcimer 7 Loops
  • Electric Guitar 200 Loops
  • Mandolin 53 Loops
  • Pedal Steel Guitar 19 Loops

With each folder, you'll have a wide range of different loops at your fingertips. You can select loops to fit an entire song or use a sample to add flavour to your own production. These loops are easy to use and straightforward to work with, allowing for a fast workflow, which is crucial in music production.

Each loop comes with tempo and key information, making them easy to integrate into your project. They are pre-mixed and ready to use, with impeccable EQ and smooth compression. They have been skilfully and meticulously recorded by experienced professionals using top-of-the-range studio equipment, and the sound has been optimised and captured in 24-bit/44.1kHz quality.


The samples are 100% royalty-free, so you can use them however you like without worrying about copyright issues.

Please note that except the guitar all instruments are for demonstration purposes only.


  • Total Size: 1,57 GB
  • Total Loops: 562
  • Played And Performed Live
  • Tempo & Key Labelled
  • Tempo Range: 70 BPM - 230 BPM
  • Licensing: 100% Royalty Free
  • Format: WAV
  • Bit Depth/Rate: 24 Bit & 44.1 Khz
All loops are available as 24-bit/44.1kHz WAV files.
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