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is a sample pack inspired by sensational Rap artists such as Dababy, NBA Young Boy, Juice Wrld, and more.
Featuring five radio-ready Construction Kits, this sample pack features everything you need in order to produce the next street classic that will give you the club hit you are striving for. The pack contains a selection of trunk-rattling 808 Bass, vocal chops, keys, leads, guitars, and so much more.
Product Details:
59 WAV Files
27 MIDI Files
5 Construction Kits
10 808 Bass
1 Gated Lead
2 Clap
2 Clap Chop
1 Guitar
8 Hi-Hat
5 Kick
1 Lead
1 Perc
1 Bass
3 Snare
1 Voice Pluck
6 Open Hats
4 Piano
1 Pad
1 Pluck
2 Rimshot
2 Vocal Chops
1 Chop Snare
1 Rhodes
1 Tambourine
2 Keys
1 RimChops
1 Lead