Audio Loops & Samples Dance EDM
Bigroom Melody Starters Vol 1
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'Bigroom Melody Starters Vol 1'

contains 10 melody kits including WAV loops of leads, chords, basses and plucks as well as 32 MIDI loops.

This pack is perfect for producers who are looking for fresh and catchy melodies and ideas to start new banging Bigroom EDM tracks.

You'll find 10 different melody kits, each divided into basses, chords, leads and more. The loops are ready to use and are available in both WET and DRY versions including tails. With the included MIDI loops you can customize the melodies for your ideas or add your own sounds.
Please note:

The drum samples in the demo are not included in this product!

Product Details:

  • 10 Melody Kits
  • 99 WAV Tracks (basses, chords, leads, plucks)
  • 32 MIDI Loops
  • 128 BPM
  • Key-Labeled
  • 100% Royalty-Free
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