Audio Loops & Samples Blues
Blues Guitar Awards 3
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'Blues Guitar Awards 3'

is a series by Big Citi Loops providing live bass & live rhythm acoustic guitar samples that will initiate ideas and incorporate easily into your production.

These four construction kits give you some incredible ideas when it comes to making this an essential product for producers looking for that unique Blues live acoustic guitar sound. If you appreciate Blues music, you will love the unique A&B sections filled with soul guitar changes in this live instrumentation production.

The guitars are in mono dry and stereo wet format. All phrases are played on the classic 8-12 bar Blues harmony and can be easily combined with each other. Use these sounds in your Blues, Pop, RnB, Gospel, Soul, Funk or even Hip-Hop tracks. All sounds have been processed and edited using professional outboard gear to ensure authentic analogue warmth and of course, all files are royalty-free.

Product Details:

  • 4 Construction Kits
  • Tempo Labelled
  • 44.1kHz/24-Bit WAV
  • 100% Royalty-Free
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