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is the final episode to this highly anticipated series of innovative Trap, and HipHop loops inspired by artists such as Juice Wrld, Gunna, A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, NBA Young Boy, and more.
You will discover trunk-rattling melody patterns, pumping kicks, crisp snares and claps, ground-shaking 808s, tailor-made FX sounds, custom-processed plucks, synth leads, filtered synths, gated basslines, hard-hitting drums and more.
MIDI files are included for all instruments and/or musical phrases, allowing you to tweak each composition to suit your needs, including tempo, root key and even single notes to fit these melodies perfectly into your arrangement.
All sounds have been processed and edited using professional outboard gear to ensure authentic analogue warmth. Just drag and drop the files into your favourite DAW and you're good to go.
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