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features five Construction Kits suited to lazy afternoons and laid-back Chillout sessions.
In this pack, you can expect to find an eclectic collection of sounds that will help create those summer vibes in your next Chill track. Includes WAV and MIDI formats. All the sounds are 100% Royalty-Free.
'Chill Aura' is perfect for anyone wanting to produce those chilled out flavours in Downtempo, Chillout, Ambient and Electronica styles.
You'll get bass loops, vox melodies, keys, pluck melodies and drums. The drum tracks are supplied separately (kick, clap, hi-hat and more) for perfect drum loop mixing.
Each Kit is provided with the key and BPM information and presented with a full mix and its component parts. All produced in immaculate 24-Bit quality.
The collection also includes the MIDI files for the melodic parts of the Construction Kits.
Each of these Kits is given its own unique treatment, to create a pack that has all of the unmistakable hallmarks of the genre but with a sound all of its own.
Construction Kits Key & BPM Info:
Product Features: