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In Ihrer Auswahl sind folgende Dateien enthalten:
is a unique library of vintage and atmospheric sounds, including soft music loops, dusty breakbeat drum loops and crispy one-shots.
This pack provides a plethora of sounds with a common chilled aesthetic throughout. Expect to find dusty kicks, vinyl crackles, outdoor ambiences and charming music loops (with MIDI) and immerse you in a world of Soul music.
Created by one of the new producers from their team, this pack contains 400 MB of content which includes essentials sounds for basic production and instrumental material for professionals.
'Chilled RnB & Soul' is the perfect addition to the arsenals of any producer looking to create tracks in a Hip Hop, RnB, Soul and Chillout styles of music. All samples are Royalty-Free and can be used in your own music with any hidden costs.
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