Audio Loops & Samples Score
Cinematic Ethnic Orchestra
Lizenz: Kommerziell (Unbegrenzt)

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  • WAV

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'Cinematic Ethnic Orchestra'

is smashing with that Ethnic Orchestra feel that will bring you to your feet.

This awesome product can be use for movie, film, syndication, commercial TV, reality shows, and much more. Big Citi Loops has made sure to create several different styles within this incredible pack.

These five Construction Kits will give you that high quality orchestral feel that will add some class to your productions. These sounds and samples are licensed as Royalty-Free for you to use in commercial productions or even for DJ/remix purposes.

All parts are separated including viola, cellos, bass strings, harp, string pad, chimes, cymbals, Arabian vocals, timpani, piano, and much more.

Product Details:

  • 24-Bit WAV
  • Key & Tempo Labelled
  • 5 Multi-tracked Construction Kits (MP3)
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