Audio Loops & Samples Sound FX
Cinematic FX Analog Sounddesign
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Introducing "Cinematic FX Analog Sounddesign" -

an exceptional sample library meticulously crafted for modern producers, cinematic film composers, and sound designers alike.

What sets this library apart is its utilization of vintage analog gear, including iconic instruments such as Roland Jupiter 8 & Juno, Mini Moog, Studio Electronic, Andromeda, Oberheim Expander & Matrix 1000, Korg MS 20, among others. These classic analog synthesizers lend their unmistakable warmth and character to every sound, imbuing your productions with a sense of depth and authenticity reminiscent of iconic films and series like Stranger Things, Dune, and Bladerunner.

This extraordinary collection of SFX sounds opens the door to a world of unparalleled sonic exploration, offering a diverse range of atmospheres, sweeps, whooshes and more, meticulously designed to take your compositions to new heights.

With 705 sounds and loops totaling 1.5 GB in size, Cinematic FX Analog Sounddesign delivers a comprehensive palette of textures and elements meticulously curated for seamless integration into your projects. From haunting atmospheres to futuristic sci-fi effects, each sound has been crafted with precision and care to ensure maximum impact and immersion in your compositions.

Whether you're scoring a cinematic masterpiece or creating immersive soundscapes for games, Cinematic FX Analog Sounddesign provides the perfect sonic toolkit to bring your creative vision to life. Each sound is meticulously crafted and tempo/key labeled for effortless integration into your projects, ensuring a seamless workflow from start to finish.

Plus, with 100% royalty-free content, you have the freedom to use these sounds in your productions without restriction, giving you the creative freedom you need. Formatted as 24-bit, 44.1kHz WAVs, this collection guarantees pristine audio quality that captures every nuance and detail of the original recordings.

Experience the power and versatility of vintage analog sound design with Cinematic FX Analog Sounddesign, where the past meets the future and creativity knows no bounds. Elevate your compositions to cinematic heights and transport your audience to new realms of sonic wonder.


All loops in this product are 100% royalty-free, which means that after purchase you can use these loops in your productions without paying any hidden costs. All or some samples in this product have already been released in Ueberschall Elastik products.

  • 1,5 GB
  • 705 Sounds & Loops
  • Tempo & Key Labelled
  • Content: • Atmospheres • Deep Space • Modulated • Noise • Scifi • Sub • Sweeps and Whooshes
  • 100% Royalty Free
  • Format: WAV
  • 24 Bit & 44.1 Khz
Alle Loops liegen als 24bit/44.1kHz WAV-Dateien vor.
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