Audio Loops & Samples Sample Package
Drastic Dub
Lizenz: Kommerziell (Unbegrenzt)

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'Drastic Dub'

is a collection of 20 hand-crafted Dub style Construction Kits that is an essential addition to the Dub producer's library.

Complete with booming basslines, hard drum grooves, skanks and melodious guitar riffs, 'Drastic Dub' can be used for Dubstep and Reggae-inspired Pop as well as for creating original Roots Dub.

'Drastic Dub' consists of 20 Construction Kits, each in a distinct key and BPM which represents a musical idea or groove to be used as a foundation for a musical work.

Each Construction Kit contains a folder featuring the deconstructed drum kit (kick, snare, hat and perc) which includes a loop of mixed drums and another folder with the component loops (bass, lead guitar, rhythm guitar, organ and piano).

Each filename includes the Construction Kit number, BPM and key information for the loop.

You'll get a total of 220 loops. These loops can be used together to create complete tracks or they can be used individually to serve as a foundation. Alternatively, you can use these flavours to embellish your existing tracks.


  • 20 Construction Kits in ACID/WAV format
  • 20 Construction Kits in Apple Loops format
  • 20 Construction Kits in REX2 format
  • 1.5 GB Uncompressed
  • 24-Bit Quality
  • 100% Royalty-Free


  • ACID
  • Apple Loops
  • REX2
  • WAV
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