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is a smoking loop set that will set you on fire.
Big Citi Loops has created over 229 top quality Dubstep loops, ranging from pounding drums to wonky synth basses and FX loops. Prepare to grind your teeth.
These 10 multi-track Construction Kits contain over 229 loops in total, which includes Drum Hit Folders. This awesome pack is very innovative and creative with unique sounds and patterns to help you step up your Dubstep production Game.
Dubstep has made the transition over 10 years from an underground sensation to a mainstream style, influencing Electro and Dance music. Artists such as Snoop Dogg have begun grinding out Dubstep hits and their grimy, dark, syncopated styles are perfectly captured in Big Citi Loops' 'Dubstep Attraction'.
You'll find grooves and loops inspired by the likes of Rusko, Benga, Nero, Datsik and Bar 9.
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