Audio Apps & Plug-ins Effects & Presets
Future Bass Spire Presets Vol 2
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'Future Bass Spire Presets Vol 2' from Laniakea Sounds

introduce a unique cutting-edge sound bank for Spire which contains 50 presets including modern LFO leads, rough basses and smooth pads, inspiring by the artists like SMLE, San Holo, Conro and others.

With this pack you will get sounds that can make your next Future Bass hit really stand out. With these sounds you can understand how to create modern Future Bass leads and the small details that make a good sounding patch.

Listen to the demo track, haunting and attention-grabbing from the first seconds, then add this sound bank to your producer arsenal today.

Please Note:

Requires: Spire v1.1.12+. This product contain only Spire presets. No WAV files are included in this pack.

Product Details:

  • 50 Spire Presets in Total
  • 5 Arps
  • 10 Basses
  • 15 Leads
  • 10 Pads
  • 5 Plucks
  • 5 Keys
  • 100% Royalty-Free
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