Audio Apps & Plug-ins Effects & Presets
Future Euphoric Trance MIDI Anthems 3
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  • MIDI

'Future Euphoric Trance MIDI Anthems 3' by Trance Euphoria

is the 3rd pack in this immense series featuring another superb 25 Trance MIDI Kits.

Inspired by top Trance artists, these Trance MIDI kits will propel you to the next level and surely give your tracks the edge.

With MIDI you have the ultimate format where you can re-arrange notes, velocities, transpose, change note lengths, and assign your own VST Instrument or Hardware of your choice all this without any audio issues.

Changing or keeping the same sound assigned and moving notes about is also a breeze, and your audio always stays the same. With 25 Trance MIDI kits at your disposal you have the potential of creating 25 new tracks.

Product Details:

  • 25 Future Euphoric Trance MIDI Kits
  • 75 MIDI Files
  • 100% Royalty-Free
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