Audio Loops & Samples Hip Hop
Hot Girl Cardi 2
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In Ihrer Auswahl sind folgende Dateien enthalten:

  • WAV

'Hot Girl Cardi 2' by 3Digi Audio

is a collection of four Construction Kits with inspiration drawn from top Hip Hop Trap artists like Cardi B, Travis Scott, Kevin Gates, Shindy, DaBaby, Migos, Plaiboi, Carti and others.

This pack is full of fresh and high-quality sounds that are easy to combine into great sounding hits. All the samples have been mixed and exported in Dry mixing to allow you to experiment as much as possible with your own mix. All samples are Royalty-Free in this Construction Kit and can be used for any DAW that allows using WAV files!

Product Details:

  • 4 Construction Kits
  • 4 Demo Mixes
  • 44.1kHz/24-Bit WAV
  • 100% Royalty-Free
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