Audio Loops & Samples Dance House
Melancholic House & Vocals
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  • WAV acidized
  • WAV acidized

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Producer Loops proudly presents 'Melancholic House & Vocals'.

This pack is an excellent collection of vocal-based construction kits for producers seeking an extra touch of soul and magic that only the most elegant female vocals underlined by groovy basslines and percussions can deliver.

Infused with most popular radio house vibes, this pack includes classy vocals, electronic bassline synths, percussion loops, drums and FX. This sublime pack will help you to get your House productions to a peak level.

MIDI Files Included:

Like so many other Producer Loops products, 'Melancholic House & Vocals' includes MIDI files for the majority of musical phrases heard in each Kit, allowing you to seamlessly mix your favourite synths and samplers with the sounds contained in the pack.

One-Shot Samples:

Inside, you'll find one-shot drum samples, allowing you to create new beats, fills and loops to compliment the existing material. Simply load them up into your sampler of choice and create an infinite number of new beats and phrases.


All of the loops in this product are 100% Royalty-Free, so once purchased, you can use these loops in your commercial releases without having to pay any hidden costs.

Product Details:

  • 5 Construction Kits
  • ACIDized WAV Files
  • Apple Loops
  • MIDI Loops
  • REX Loops
  • Reason ReFill
  • Loops Synced To BPM
  • 44.1kHz/24-Bit
  • PC/Mac Compatible
  • Royalty-Free (No Exceptions)
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