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brings you five Construction Kits inspired by artists such as Boris Brechja, Camelphat, Ben C, Solomun, Stephan Bodzin and many more.
Every single Kit is splitted up in the following parts:
Each Kit has its own MIDI folder to give you the freedom of changing any melodic part or use your own sounds from any of your favorite soft synthesizers.
This folder includes all the single drum one-shots that were used for each Kit and allows you to drag and drop your favorite drum samples into your sampler and create new rhythms.
Stems Dry & Wet:
Essential Audio Media exported all the stems as 24-Bit WAV files so you can drag and drop them at once into your DAW and you'll have the full Kit. They also added a Dry folder where the synths are without any effects so you can add you own reverb or delay settings.
All Stems are also available as 4-8 Bar loops exported as 24-Bit WAV to give you more freedom to make any stem file fitting into your project.
In this folder you´ll find the presets used in the Kits. Essential Audio Media have included presets for Spire, Serum and Sylenth1 VSTi's.
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