Audio Loops & Samples Dance Trance
Melodic Uplifting Trance Madness Songstarters
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  • WAV

'Melodic Uplifting Trance Madness Songstarters'

is the first in a new series by Trance Euphoria. This pack features eight professional Construction Kits, full of pro features and containing 24-Bit WAV Files and MIDI for ultimate flexibility.

Inspired by the top Trance festivals like Creamfields, We Are FSTVL, Colours Fest, Together Festival, Global Gathering, South West Four, Tomorrowland, Ultra Music Festival and many more top festivals around the world, 'Euphoric Trance Songstarters' is here to inspire your next Trance smash hit.

This product was inspired by artists such as AvB, Ferry Corsten, Aly & Fila, Dash Berlin, Alex M.O.R.P.H, Ronald Van Den Beuken, Markus Schulz, Sean Tyas, Cosmic Gate, Above & Beyond, Rank 1,Ronski Speed, Push, Binary Finary,Sander Van Doorn, PVD, Richard Durand, Tiesto, Lange, Spencer & Hill, and many more.

Each Kit features enough material to spawn an entire new track, including MIDI & WAV audio loops plus all of the professional features you'd expect from Trance Euphoria. Loops are provided in both wet (with effects) and rendered dry (no FX) so you're free to add your own effects to help gel these superb Trance samples into your own mixes.

For audio loop users there's filter up and down sections as well as FX tail loops to allow you to easily use the samples in build ups and breakdowns. With MIDI files included for main melodic parts, you're also free to break out your own synths and use your favourite presets to create your own sound.

Product Details:

  • 8 Professional Melodic Uplifting Trance Construction Kit Songstarters
  • All WAV Files 24-Bit
  • MIDI Files For All Kits For Ultimate Flexibility
  • Wet/Dry 24-Bit WAV Loops
  • Drum Compressed/Uncompressed 24-Bit WAVs
  • Several Percussion Variation Loops 24-Bit WAVs
  • FX Tail Loops Allowing You To End A Phrase With The Decay Of The Reverb/Delay Applied To The Loop
  • BPM & Key Info
  • Professionally Produced
  • 100% Royalty-Free
  • 188 Kit Files (Includes 17 MIDI Files)
  • 529 MB Zipped - 642 MB Unzipped
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