Audio Loops & Samples Hip Hop
Mr. West 6
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'Mr. West 6' by Big Citi Loops

features five awesome Kits modelled after the Rap and Hip Hop sensation, Kanye West.

What stands out about this pack is the same thing that stands out about Kayne - creativity.

Sometimes Dirty South and Trap music can sound similar or the same, but not Kanye's music. You will always find that creative edge in his music and that is what Big Citi Loops brings to the market place.

These five Construction Kits give you everything you need to bring the sounds of Kanye West to your production!
All sounds and samples are Royalty-Free for you to use in a commercial production or even for DJ/Remix purposes. You can use these samples in as many ways as you desire.

Product Details:

  • 5 Construction Kits
  • 24-Bit WAV
  • Tempo Labelled
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