Audio Loops & Samples Sample Package
Neon City Dub Vol 3
Lizenz: Kommerziell (Unbegrenzt)

In Ihrer Auswahl sind folgende Dateien enthalten:

  • WAV

'Neon City Dub Vol 3' - Dub meets Synthwave

with elements of Dance to keep the groove moving.

Mix and match these 120BPM-140BPM loops into your next new project or remix.

'Neon City Dub Vol 3' - Dub meets Synthwave, trip the light synthetic. A dark room with glowing pulsing rhythmic flashes. Through the alleyways to the edge of town, looking back is an echo. Start out with some Dub, add a little Dance, and even elements of Industrial & Glitch, mix well to combine and punctuate this new series.

Please Note:

The second demo track was created by musician & producer 3ee, and it combines loop samples from all three volumes of 'Neon City Dub' to show how versatile the collections are and how they can be used together as well as with your own tracks and other loop sets you already have.

'Neon City Dub Vol 2' includes 24-Bit ACIDized.WAV files, with the key & tempo information in the filename.

Product Details:

  • 19 Basses
  • 111 Beats
  • 4 FX
  • 146 Percussion
  • 30 Synths
  • Royalty-Free
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