Audio Loops & Samples Pop 80s
New 80's Edition
Lizenz: Kommerziell (Unbegrenzt)

In Ihrer Auswahl sind folgende Dateien enthalten:

  • WAV

'New 80's Edition' by Undisputed Music

is another throwback of R&B sounds by the label dedicated to bringing you Hip Hop, Soul & RnB.

This pack is inspired by the legendary group New Edition who have hits such as 'If It Isn't Love', 'Candy Girl', 'Can You Stand The Rain', and many more.

The melodies and drums within conjure nostalgia for 80s R&B and will give you the tools and inspiration to combine old school with new school sound. This pack works in all DAWs and contains both WAV and MIDI files. Separate yourself from the competition with the smooth, high-quality R&B sounds within.

Product Details:

  • 5 Construction Kits
  • 5 MIDI Files
  • 33 WAV Loops
  • 9 Bass/Kicks
  • 5 Drum Tracks
  • 6 Keys/Piano
  • 7 Leads/Synths
  • 3 Guitars/Plucks
  • 1 Percussion
  • 2 Strings/Bells
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