Audio Loops & Samples Hip Hop
Soul Food Vol 2
Lizenz: Kommerziell (Unbegrenzt)

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  • WAV

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'Soul Food Vol 2' is finally here.

Are you looking for the finest RnB loops inspired by artists such as Trey Songz, Chris Brown, The Weekend, and many others?

This top-notch sample pack comes with five Construction Kits, giving you everything you need in order to produce the next Billboard hit.

Inspired by the latest trends in the Pop, RnB, Soul and Urban genre, this loop pack is everything you will need in order to produce that Soul Food.

Original chord progressions, addictive hooklines, vintage leads, various FX sounds, deep RnB drums, and much much more comes with this incredible sample pack.

Just drag the WAV files into your favourite DAW and you're good to go!

All files come royalty-free.

Product Includes:

  • 5 Mastered & Mixed Demos
  • 5 Construction Kits
  • 97 Single WAV files
  • 24-Bit/44.1kHz quality
  • 538 MB Content
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