Audio Loops & Samples Soul / R&B
Souls Of Guitars
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  • WAV

'Souls Of Guitars' by Live Soundz Productions

is the first volume in a series of Soul guitar sounds for Soul, RnB, Funk, Pop, Hip Hop and other Genres.

This product is perfect for artist and producers who want to put some laid-back live guitar in their productions. 'Souls Of Guitars' contains 20 Live Guitars with A and B parts including 10 Demo parts. Also, there's a few live bass files included as well.

These samples are licensed as Royalty-Free for you to use in commercial productions or even for DJ/remix purposes.

Product Details:

  • 30 WAV & 30 MP3 Files
  • Tempo Labelled
  • 24 Bit WAV
  • 100% Royalty Free
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