Audio Apps & Plug-ins Effects & Presets
Soundwave: Sylenth1 Soundbank
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'Soundwave: Sylenth1 Soundbank' from Equinox Sounds

is a fantastic soundset for Lennar Digital's Sylenth1 VSTi.

This collection contains 128 single sounds for Trance, Progressive, Techno, Tech style and even Chill Out genres.

'Soundwave: Sylenth1 Soundbank' was specially designed only for electronic music within different parts of a composition and it aims only at electronic music producers. It features 128 single sounds for Trance, Progressive, Techno, Tech style, Chill Out and will also be useful for other genres!

In this pack you will find modern basses, synths, plucks, cool leads for building up nice arpeggios, some very lush pads and FX's.

Format: Synth Bank
Content: 128 Sounds

System Requirements:

  • This soundset requires Sylenth1 VSTi version 2.2
  • Works with PC VST & Mac OS X AU Versions
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