Audio Apps & Plug-ins Effects & Presets
Spire Essentials Vol 11: Commercial Bass House
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'Spire Essentials Vol 11: Commercial Bass House' by Baltic Audio

is a must-have product for producers looking to get the sound of current Commercial Bass House.

You'll find 64 top-quality presets for the amazing Spire synthesizer to create hit tracks, including hand-crafted basses, leads, plucks, pads and more.

If you're looking for sounds of Tiesto, Calippo, Jauz, Diplo, Marshmello, LTGTR and many more, this product has you covered.

Please note: The drums and some FX used in the demo are not included in this product. These presets require v.1.1. or higher of Reveal Sound Spire.

Product Details:

  • 32 Basses
  • 15 Plucks
  • 7 Leads
  • 5 Chords
  • 5 Pads
  • 38 MIDI files
  • 100% Royalty-Free
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