Audio Loops & Samples Electronic Breakbeat
Tough Break Cyberpunk
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  • WAV 24/44

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Metachemical Tough Breaks

for producing Breakbeat music with some serious Cohunes if you know what I mean.

Hard hitting drums, bass, and synth riffs for really tearing up the dance floor. 163 loops, 33 Drum One Shots, and 65 midi files (drum beats, synth riffs, and bass lines).

This pack isn't loaded up with mixed beat loops. Instead you'll get separated drum stems for each instrument - ie kicks, snares, percussion, hi hats, and cymbals. Mix and match to create your own beats. Also includes synth riffs, bass lines, and SFX.

What's more you'll get supporting midi files for selected loops to give you even more creative freedom by allowing you to dial up your favorite synth patch or drum samples.

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