Audio Loops & Samples Dance Minimal
Urban Minimal Vol 1
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'Urban Minimal Vol 1' kicks off a brand new series of diverse Construction Kits

created and produced exclusively for Producer Loops by Simon Rudd of "The Fliptones".

This awesome pack contains five hot Urban jams and a wide range of contemporary influences. This versatile loop set also includes MIDI and one-shot samples and comes in a variety of formats.**

This pack brings together elements of Urban/Hip Hop music with the cutting-edge sounds of Dubstep, Dance and Minimal electronic styles to create a unique stripped-back vibe perfect for adding vocals and additional layering.

Sparse synths, reese basslines and powerful drum loops give 'Urban Minimal Vol 1' great cross genre appeal and will make this a versatile addition to your library of Producer Loops products.

About MIDI:

MIDI files and one-shot samples are included for producers who like to tweak their mixes to perfection and are ideal for creating new complimentary phrases and loops.

'Urban Minimal Vol 1' is also supplied in Apple Loops, REX and ReFill formats making it compatible with most modern sequencers and platforms.

Technical Specifications:

  • 44.100 kHz 24-Bit audio quality
  • MIDI loops and one-shot samples included
  • Over 100 individual files including full mixes
  • Royalty-free for use in commercial or personal releases
  • Supplied in ACID/WAV, Apple Loops, REX and ReFill formats
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