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bringing you the hottest in West Coast, Hip Hop, Urban, and Gangsta music.
Inspired by artists such as The Game, Dr Dre, 50 Cent, Jay Rock and Ab Soul each of the five Construction Kits includes MIDI.
Featuring five super heavy West Coast Construction Kits, this sample pack will boost your production game up to todays industry standards, instantly.
You'll find hard, gritty, custom-made drums, combined with harsh, edgy vintage synths, vintage keys and pianos, crazy Moog leads and a huge variety of SFX sounds.
On top of all that, we have included MIDI files allowing you to edit melody lines, chord progressions and even create completely new beats.
Just drag the WAV files into your favorite DAW and you're good to go.
All files are provided as 100% royalty-free.
Product Specifications: