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bringing you over 800 MB of glitched, warped and totally Tek'd up drums, percussion, basses and synths.
This library is an inspiration goldmine for producers looking for experimental and left-field loops, and is sure to enhance any Electronica, Cinematic or IDM release.
At the heart of 'World Tek Vol 6' is a large selection of brand new drum loops; over 740 including percussion loops.
These are all perfectly complemented by deep rumbling basses, harmonically rich synths, pitch shifted sonic fragments and ambient synth FX.
The product's creator, Jeff Rhodes has left no stone unturned in ensuring that 'World Tek Vol 6' is not only the largest but most current-sounding release in this diverse series.
These loops will fit perfectly into any number of Electronic genres, from IDM and EDM to Drum & Bass to soundtracks and sync music.
All of the loops in this product are 100% Royalty-Free (including the vocal loops), so once purchased, you can use these loops in your commercial releases without having to pay any hidden costs.
Für die unbegrenzte Nutzung im kommerziellen Bereich: Zum Beispiel durch CD- oder DVD-Verkäufe, die Einbindung in TV- oder Kinofilme oder durch digitale Downloads und Streaming-Portale. Der direkte oder indirekte Weiterverkauf des Contents an sich ist ausgeschlossen.