Audio Loops & Samples Dance Dubstep
Yellow Wobble
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'Yellow Wobble'

is an exciting new Hybrid collection of Dubstep sounds fused with Trap sounds designed by Kryptic Samples.

Featuring five smashing Construction Kits, this collection has been slathered with distorted 808s, glitchy synths, hypnotic and deep-warm melodic content, punchy kicks, atmospheric pads, neck-snapping snares and more.

Get into this futuristic melting-pot of cutting-edge fresh & punchy Hybrid sounds now.

MIDI Files Included:

Like all other Kryptic products, 'Yellow Wobble' includes MIDI files for the musical phrases heard in the demo. Use the MIDI files in your favourite DAW to customise the sounds to your liking.

Advantages of MIDI:

MIDI files supplied in this pack are flexible and powerful allowing you to assign any of the musical phrases to your favourite synth or sampler and is only instructional data, so you can change the pitch and tempo beyond which the loops were originally recorded to any extent you like, with no artefacts.

Dry/Wet Loops:

The wet files contain all of the effects processing heard in the audio demos. But for producers looking to create their own effects mix, dry loops are also included so you can add your own effects.


Tempos are included and all loops are Royalty-Free. For more details, please carefully read the license agreement provided in every Kryptic Samples product.

Product Details:

  • 5 Construction Kits
  • 5 MIDI Files Included
  • 24-Bit/48KHz Quality
  • Tempo Labelled
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